Things I Wish I Knew as a Breastfeeding Mom
Motherhood is a journey full of unknowns, and breastfeeding is no exception. When I had my first baby, I had so many questions, worries, and expectations that I didn’t know where to begin. Looking back, there are definitely a few hacks I wish I had known before embarking on this beautiful, yet challenging, part of my parenting journey. From how to set up your space to some simple tips that make a world of a difference, here are the 4 things I wish I knew as a first time breastfeeding mom—things that have made my experience a bit smoother, and hopefully, they’ll help you too!
1. SET UP YOUR SPACE FOR comfort & efficiency
As new moms, we can get fixated on perfecting our baby’s nursery. That nesting instinct is strong, I get it! But room sharing is actually recommended by the AAP to help support the breastfeeding relationship and as a way to help prevent SIDS. After breastfeeding and room sharing with my first baby, when it was time to prepare for my second, I understood that during those first several months the best way to prepare was to actually make some room in my husband and I’s bedroom. I started with a safe sleep spot. For me that was a bedside bassinet, but other options could be a pack ‘n play or just setting up their crib in your room from day one. This way you’ll be able to easily and quickly feed baby through the night. I also made sure to set up the rocking chair in there so I would have a comfortable spot to breastfeed that wasn’t in bed- just my personal preference. But you just want to make sure you have a pillow behind you for comfort and a nursing pillow for arm support whether you're in a chair or in bed.
Next, I made room on my nightstand for all the things myself and baby would need throughout the night. Thinking through those middle of the night feeding and changing sessions- I always have an adjustable egg nightlight, sound machine, water bottle, diapers, wipes, burp cloths, extra jammies, and the nursing pillow within arms reach! Further, I also like to make room for some of baby’s clothes, snacks, nipple care, lotion, etc. as well and that can look like a nightstand drawer, caddy, dresser, or “nursing cart”. Having a place to change baby close by is also super helpful! Some people like to have a changing table, use a changing table on top of their dresser, or (my personal favorite) a changing mat on our bed to keep it easy! All in all— they need safety, comfort, and YOU! Set up whatever space works for YOUR family to make it easy on you all during that transition home!
2. GET YOURSELF A nursing cart
The tried and true nursing/diaper cart is a fan favorite among the Karing for Postpartum community. For me, it’s all about more space and mobility. I found that using just a diaper caddy was great for baby’s changing needs, but not any of my potential needs when I inevitably get nursing/nap trapped. With my first, I’d be feeding in the living room and realize my nipple care was all the way upstairs in my bedroom. Or I’d get nap trapped and realize I needed a sip of water or a snack! I quickly figured out that I needed something that worked for both of us! A nursing cart works great for me because with wheels I’m able to push it one handed from room to room with a baby in my arms and there’s more space to keep everything I need close by and organized!
So what do you keep on it? Whatever YOU want and need! I like to do:
1st tier: Everything I need to be able to quickly grab — mom’s snacks, water, baby quick care hygiene needs, milk collectors, remote, phone, portable phone charger, etc
2nd tier: Breastfeeding needs — nipple care, shields, breastpump, extra bottles, etc
3rd tier: Baby’s changing needs — diapers, wipes, burp cloths, clothing, changing mat, etc
For me, having a heavy diaper bag full of “just in case” items became a burden with a baby and multiple little kids. This can become especially overwhelming when you’re breastfeeding/pumping on the go. So I decided to keep those items in my car and just keep what I knew I needed in the diaper bag. I did this by getting a trunk organizer! Stick one in your trunk and stock it with everything you may need while out with your baby. I included diaper bag essentials, but to the next level, even including some backstock. Our FREE guide is a really helpful resource for ideas on what to keep in your trunk organizer!
Then when I get to my destination, I go to the trunk organizer and throw what I actually need in my diaper bag for this trip with baby. This way, I’m not lugging around a huge heavy diaper bag that I’ll likely only use a few things from. If I end up really needing something, I know I can always just run out to my car! Check out my guide on leaving the house with baby here!
4. ANY OUTFIT CAN BE “nursing friendly”
One of my favorite hacks that’s come from breastfeeding my babies is not to over complicate things. Truly *most* outfits can be nursing friendly. Just because I’m nursing doesn’t mean I have to give up wearing what I love. I’ll just find a work around! I like to use a claw clip to keep clothing material up and out of baby’s face when I’m wearing baggy t-shirts. Other options are hair ties or tucking into your bra. Improvising often works out! If you need more info about breastfeeding in public, check out my guide here! But try not to stress too much, mama!